Config file reference

A reference overview of the Fensak config file

The Fensak configuration file is a static config file in the .fensak repository of your Organization that specifies which rules should be run on PRs for your repositories. This document contains information about the config file, including the schema of the config, what types are supported, how updates are handled, and some considerations for rules.

File location

The Fensak config file is expected to be located at the root of the .fensak repository in your Organization. The config file must also be named exactly as one of the specific names mentioned in Supported config file types, depending on what file type is used.


We offer a JSON schema of the config format at fensak-io/fensak/fskconfig/schema.json. Refer to the schema file for information on what options are available, what they are, and any restrictions on supported values.

You can also use a tool like ajv-cli to validate your configuration against the provided schema to make sure it conforms.

The following is an overview of the schema.

Repo config map

The main entry in the Fensak config is the repos key. This contains a map from repos in your Organization to the corresponding rules configuration. The key of the map should match a corresponding GitHub repository slug in your Organization. For example, the following is a repository config for the repo my-repo in the Organization:

    ruleFile: rules/sample.ts

Each entry in the map supports the following fields:


The path (relative to the repo root) to the file to use for the auto-approve rules source. When omitted, there is no auto-approval rule. At least one of requiredRuleFile or ruleFile is required.

ruleLang (optional)

The language that the rules source is written in. This must be one of:

  • es5: Rules written in JavaScript ECMAScript 5.1.
  • es6: Rules written in JavaScript ECMAScript 6.
  • ts: Rules written in TypeScript.

When omitted, the language is derived from the source file extension. Note that we will always assume ES6 for js files.


The path (relative to the repo root) to the file to use for the required rules source. Required rules are rules that all PRs must pass for the check to pass. When omitted, there is no required rules. At least one of requiredRuleFile or ruleFile is required.

requiredRuleLang (optional)

The language that the required rules source is written in. The behavior is the same as ruleLang.

requiredApprovals (optional)

The number of unique approvals from users with write access that are required to pass the check when the auto-approve rule fails. Can be zero if requiredRuleFile is set.

When omitted, defaults to 1.

requiredApprovalsForTrustedUsers (optional)

The number of unique approvals from users with write access that are required to pass the check for pull requests opened by trusted users when the auto-approve rule fails. Can be zero if requiredRuleFile is set.

When omitted, defaults to the value set in requiredApprovals.

requiredApprovalsForMachineUsers (optional)

The number of unique approvals from human users with write access that are required to pass the check for pull requests opened by machine users (GitHub Apps, or any user labeled as a machine user in the machineUsers top level key) when the auto-approve rule fails. Can be zero if requiredRuleFile is set.

When omitted, defaults to the value set in requiredApprovals.

Machine Users (optional)

A list of user logins that map to machine users in your account. This should not include GitHub Apps, as those are automatically labeled as machine users.

When omitted or empty, requiredApprovalsForMachineUsers will only apply to PRs opened by GitHub Apps.

Supported config file types

The following file types are supported for the Fensak config:

  • YAML (as fensak.yml or fensak.yaml)

        ruleFile: rules/sample.ts
        ruleLang: ts
        requiredReviews: 1
  • JSON (as fensak.json)

      "repos": {
        "my-repo": {
          "ruleFile": "rules/sample.ts",
          "ruleLang": "ts",
          "requiredReviews": 1
  • TOML (as fensak.toml)

    ruleFile = "rules/sample.ts"
    ruleLang = "ts"
    requiredReviews = 1

Updates and eventual consistency

The config file is loaded directly from the .fensak repository and is cached by the git SHA of the head commit on the default branch. The config is loaded asynchronously, and is eventually consistent within Fensak. This means that you may see a delay between updating the config (or rules) in the .fensak repository. If you see issues with Fensak checks not appearing on PRs for new repositories, you can force a retry by submitting a review comment on the PR.

What if I want to bind multiple rules to a repository?

Fensak only supports a single rule script to run on PRs in a repository. This is to keep the config file logic simple, but also because we find it difficult to specify complex rules in a static configuration DSL (e.g., do you mean all or any? What about only and on some rules and or for others?). This is better suited for a full programming logic like JavaScript.

As such, we recommend encoding multi-rule rules in the rule function itself. This allows you to use any arbitrary JavaScript based boolean algebra to decide how to combine your independent rules function. You can even modularize your code to improve maintainability, although this will require an extra compile step from a bundler that outputs a single JS file for the rule with all the functions concatenated.